For our bingo we used How About Oranges beautiful template you see in this above photo. We gave everyone 2 cards each. But we may have been a little over zealous with that because it became really stressful. BUT, we did hang on every word the actors said "Did she thank her spouse?!" "Did he put on those glasses?! Rewind and check!!!" haha.
We also took ballots from her site too and sent them with the invitations!
For our food we stayed simple and it was anything but healthy, BUT, we have men in our lives that love food and we wanted to treat them so alas, we had a hotdog bar.
We had a variety of toppings and Justine's bf ate 8 of them, so they had to have been tasty right?! (The table you see there was handmade by Rebecca's brother using a door her mom had found. More on that and him later this month!)
We used things we had around the house to fill the table and the toppings included: corn, beans, jalepenos, guacamole, bbq sauce, mayo, relish and ketch and mustard!
Our soda selection was hand picked from Work Market, holy cow was that fun!
It was so much fun making an excuse to throw a party. We may or may not try to do it for every
event/holiday....St. Patrick's Day, Office Finale here we come!
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